Study about the future of wearable technology and datasecurity
“ … Mynk ist ein physisches Datenschutzset, das durch seine Schmuckapplikationen und Textiltechnologie den Datenaustausch von Wearables kontrollieren kann. Mit seinem Konzept lenkt Zsigmondy die Aufmerksamkeit auf die Wichtigkeit von Cybersecurity und den Umgang mit persönlichen Daten. „
2018 – diploma thesis

MYNK is a physical data protection set for Wireless Body Area Networks (WBAN). It consists of silicon applications, a technical textile and an intelligent artifact. Based on a physical barriere it enables users to control data transmission of wireless devices.
2018 – diploma thesis

stool concept
During a two weeks intensive class we were given the task to create a stool by experimenting with materials of the different workshops.
2016 – quick draft

The aim was to create a puristic and dynamic structure by contrasting the different material properties.
2016 – quick draft

shoe concept
The chance to work within the Running Footwear Design Department with a team of experienced designers, marketers and developers was used to create an own sneaker concept. The intension was to learn about the designprocess based on an own shoe and the associated technics and procedures.
2015 – Adidas